George Andrews: The Dot Man at MMCC

Works by George Andrews now on display in Gallery 2 at the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center!

The paintings on display are part of MMCC’s permanent collection and are temporarily on display in Gallery 2.

George Andrews is the patriarch of a highly creative family of artist and writers, a family richly blessed with talent and deeply rooted in the soil of rural Georgia. By choice, the former sharecropper, father of ten, and lifelong artist never traveled outside Georgia’s boundaries.

When his family moved from rural Plainview, Georgia to Atlanta in the 1950’s, George relocated to Madison and became a sign painter for the City of Madison, where he spend the rest of his life. His passion for painting was evidenced in the brightly colored dot-filled rocks that soon began showing up around town. Adorning rocks, furniture, women’s shoes and “anything that did not move,” with bold, colorful dots, he became knows as “The Dot Man.”

These works, painted between 1989 and 1991, depict members of the Andrews family spanning three generations. They include portraits of George Andrews’ parents, wife, six of his children, his daughter-in-law, Nene Humphrey, and a self-portrait. George Andrews was a lifelong resident of Morgan County. His family, including his sons, the artist Benny Andrews and the writer Raymond Andrews, are an integral part of the cultural history of the area.


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