Madison-Morgan Cultural Center

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Stirring the Pot: Artist Talk at MMCC

By Clare Wolfe

TK Smith, a Philadelphia-based writer, cultural historian, and PhD candidate.

This Saturday's EARTH BOUND community programming features TK Smith, a Philadelphia-based writer, cultural historian, and PhD candidate at the University of Delaware, discussing the works of potter, poet and slave DavidDrake and those of Atlanta-based contemporary artist Zipporah Camille Thompson. Smith’s research is invested inAmerican material culture, specifically exploring how the symbolic meaning of material is made, preserved, and transformed over time. Regarding the works on exhibit, he shared, "What immediately comes to mind is thenecessity to approach the works of Drake and Thompson's as more than one definite, definable thing. The vessels aren't just utilitarian craft, fine art, self expression, or simple representations of the maker's histories the works are all these things. Despite how we experience them on a pedestal, they exist in a category all their own and each vessel has meaning and purpose that we, as onlookers, will never have access to. Cultural history offers that kind of interdisciplinary lens. Enabling one to step back and conceptualize the fullness of the object beyond the limitations of museums and words." 

Smith will be joined in conversation with EARTH BOUND's featured artist, Zipporah Camille Thompson and by co-curators of the exhibit, Teresa Bramlette Reeves and Clare Wolfe. Light refreshments will be served following aQ&A with the audience.

STIRRING THE POT: Embracing Discomfort is a free community event on Saturday, June 11th at 3:30 pm at the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center Auditorium.